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Phone / Whatsapp: 0471 98 35 12
Vlaanderenstraat 53
9000 Ghent
Career coaching
As a career coach I support, guide, challenge and sometimes advice people towards positive changes in their careers. Together we identify your personal goals and develop strategies to achieve them. Clients often aim for more personal growth, a more fitting job and a better work-life balance. Career cheques accepted - find out more here
Here are some examples of questions for career coaching:
I want another job! But what suits me?
How can I handle my work stress in a better way?
I'm applying for jobs and need a sounding board .
I want a promotion but my boss doesn't like me - now what?
I can't cooperate with my boss/colleague!
I am considering another education. Should I?
Click here for info about outplacement coaching.
Here you read how a career coaching trajectory is structured